SEO Isn't Just Google SEO

No. 1 on Google

SEO and Google have been synonymous - while most SEO tactics and approaches are search engine agnostic, they often get tied to Google SEO ranking. It's fairly obvious why this is the case - Google is the most popular search engine with 67.3 percent of market share according to comScore. Google also addresses (and condemns) SEO efforts more frequently than other engines. But SEO isn't just for Google, and really isn't just for search engines, either. Every social media network has some type of search functionality. As social media usage has risen, so has the volume of searches on these networks (YouTube is the second largest search engine behind Google and Twitter receives 2.1 billion queries per day).

Consider how SEO principles can be used to impact ranking directly on the various social media channels. They may not be as clear and researched as Google ranking factors, and may not be as easy to impact (Facebook has stated that their News Feed has 100,000 ranking factors. That makes Google SEO a piece of cake by comparison!), but there are still plenty of opportunities for increasing visibility of your brand and content within the social media channels themselves.

As the search engines become more sophisticated at interpreting search intent, delivering relevant results, and fighting organic spam, the Google SEO tactics of yesterday no longer cut it. To understand what is popular, relevant, and credible, the search engines are turning to social media. And so too must brands. These seven approaches are just a small glimpse into what the future holds for the integration of social media and SEO.

Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing has emerged as a powerful digital marketing force as social media has redefined and democratised publishing and marketing. It is also being driven by the increased priority by Google and search engines to ranking quality content in search results. Contagious content marketing can lead to online authority, brand awareness and increased sales.

Where do you start?

If you break it down to its two core essentials it needs:

1. Content creation: To create authority and brand awareness online, organisations need to become “publishers”.
2. Content amplification: After creating and publishing then you need to make the content spread. This means distributing and promoting your content. This takes social networks.
Brands both corporate and personal need to create and publish content. This requires a planned approach to do this well. But as we all know the devil is in the detail. That is where the magic happens. Planning followed by “execution”

Who should be doing content marketing?

Large or small, businesses that sell to other businessses (B2B) and those that sell to consumers (B2C). Content marketing works well across many industries.