5 Reasons why Print Advertising is Important
If Digital media is getting saturated, it is time to break the communication barrier with customers by getting back into print advertising!
In today’s digital age, it’s easy for your target market to become saturated with online advertisements and email marketing. Reconsider the stability and results you get with print advertising.

In a recent research survey by Forbes Magazine, print materials and publications offer your customers and prospects a brand experience that can’t be replicated online. Below are 5 important reasons why print advertising will never go out of trend and will make a lasting impact on your target market.
1. Print is Credible.
Like the feeling you get when you see The Times of India or your favorite magazine on the rack, there is something to be said about the feeling of legitimacy that comes from print. You are able to put the printed piece down and comeback at any time to resume your reading. And print requires “real estate”. As marketers, we like this! A printed piece placed on the corner of a desk will be there day after day until it is picked back up to be viewed.
2. Print Establishes Your Brand.
Printed magazines and other branded materials is an excellent method for brand building. It allows you to bring the aesthetic qualities of font, colors, images and texture that helps to establish your company’s brand recognition.
3. Print Can Reach Your Target Market.
The design, placement and timing of your company ads in publications, newspapers and magazines can help you reach your target audience, whether it be a niche market or the common public. By leveraging analysis of demographics, you are able to strategically place your brand in the right place at the right time, in front of the right audience.
4. Print Advertising is More Engaging.
Websites are often skimmed through very quickly. When a customer or prospect reads a printed material, they are more engaged for a longer period of time. The average reader spends half an hour reading the newspaper a day whereas the engagement time on a webpage barely exceeds 30 seconds.
5. Less Print, Is More For You.
With more organizations taking their marketing efforts online, old has become new again as print becomes the new trend. Advertisers have more information and data to make calculated – decisions about content, consumption, consumers, and collateral types.
Email inboxes are overflowing with unsolicited ads and non-worthy news, most of which is largely ignored. With this in mind, designing and sharing a great printed marketing piece should be high on your list of strategic marketing initiatives.
Contact Vivitsa for all your print advertising needs. We deliver customized high quality images designed to meet your marketing objectives.